3619 Natural Bhimsheni Camphor (Kapoor) Bhimseni Camphor Kapoor / Kapur Isoborneol Flakes Jar 100gmDescription:-FOR PUJA: Begin your daily Puja with 100% Organic and Pure Camphor Tablets which will create Divine Atmosphere Temple in your Home.PURITY TEST: Agnirva Organic Camphor Tablets Burns completely and leaving any residue and ashAPPLICATIONS: Ideal for daily use during pujas, aartis and meditation at home with a diffuserSpecification:Type: KapoorWeight: 100gmDimension:-Volu. Weight (Gm) :- 82 Product Weight (Gm) :- 119 Ship Weight (Gm) :- 119 Length (Cm) :- 10 Breadth (Cm) :- 6 Height (Cm) :- 6